Dissidia Wiki

Passwords are codes that give you access to secret battles for extra items. They can also give you new Player Icons and special Accessories

To enter a password: at the main menu go to Multiplayer (3rd option). Choose the third option then the 2nd option. You will be taken into your Friend Card edit menu. Type the password using the fourth character set. There are two English character sets, but pick the second English one by pressing Select three times. This will unlock a Friend Card, which includes an enemy ghost.

In the Japanese version, the passwords consist of numbers and letters. In other versions, they are simply numbers.

Below is a table of all Password Cards with the password for each version

Name NA Password JP Password EU Password Ghost Character Behavior Rare Equipment/Accessory
Behemoth 827669534 PASS3SU433KA 951317857 The Emperor (Lv. 74) Tactician Cyan Gem, Wyvern Egg, Blade of the Damned
Yuffie 8672142937 PASS3CH3GC45 480037742 Cloud (Lv. 45) Vicious White Gem, Snowboard
Shantotto 4797837576 469J3ELEVENWS 449561760 Shantotto (Lv. 31) Tactician Blue Gem, Automaton Parts
Ahriman 1191170358 MAPE5REPE4T5 265961476 Cloud of Darkness (Lv. 52) Tactician Purple Gem, Gnomish Bread
Auron 1298228499 AK6ATR7ECD8N 3370559603 Jecht (Lv. 100) Valiant Blue Gem, Al Bhed Primer
Wakka 812417748 WRKA3KUMKRA 352988563 Tidus (Lv. 100) Cautious Blue Gem, Sphere
Vivi 3784227940 VTS3RAPLVKE3 702718560 Kuja (Lv. 100) Calm White Gem, Strategy Guide
Siegfried 20151231 FGR3ET5KKJC 2549612772 Kefka (Lv. 100) Tactician Cyan Gem, Tintinnabulum
Omega 49326576 6C6M6E6G6A6 168219487 Exdeath (Lv. 100) Cautious Purple Gem, Omega Badge
Fusoya 29432971 SF5AUS5WUJ39Y 29712943 Golbez (Lv. 100) Cautious Yellow Gem, Whisperweed
Ninja 2748173856 H4NA53NJRE9 4649011483 Onion Knight (Lv. 100) Valiant Green Gem, Noah's Lute
Matoya 3939258263 M8ATK2TCPAYA 184916360 Warrior of Light (Lv. 100) Survivor Purple Gem, Crystal Eye
Seifer 6764925796 SME4SA39SFAH 2647632918 Ultimecia (Lv. 100) Survivor Green Gem, GF Eden
Minwu 2015944102 MR3ZNNGXU72P 3737946622 Firion (Lv. 100) Vicious Yellow Gem, Wild Rose, Fire Book
Cait Sith 5237017057 P2KET4DTCW6 6043817259 Sephiroth (Lv. 66) Valiant Orange Gem, Shinra Card Key
Red Wing Ace 228451809 6A3K2A538TS 402756270 Cecil (Lv. 94) Calm Red Gem, Carnelian Signet
Gilgamesh 33906088 GU3RK3UG4AMP 2209321074 Bartz(Lv. 100) Calm Yellow Gem, Dragon Seal
Steiner 473897101 A3NASX6UXT7 956327204 Zidane(Lv. 100) Calm Green Gem, Chocograph, Excalibur II
Ultros 2193355016 8TA9CQQTAC 284892375 Terra(Lv. 100) Cautious Red Gem, Delicious Fish
Basch 7140337848 LAXBU6GRA4U 895419387 Gabranth(Lv. 100) Survivor Orange Gem, Nethicite
DeathMachine 651738986 CH4D9EN3A3TE3 947432766 Garland (Lv. 52) Vicious Cyan Gem, Warp Cube
Laguna 25315075 RJAGH5UE6NA7 551219378 Squall(Lv. 24) Vicious White Gem, Occult Fan, Machine Gun

Recipe Passwords[]

Accessory Description/Effect Acquired
Aries Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: 33MKERDTA2AK
NA Password: 6798067239
EU Password: 279568689
Taurus Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: KRCYGU7RJ8E3
NA Password: 897651643
EU Password: 4307934078
Gemini Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: H3CSH3SDA3YUN
NA Password: 1137250106
EU Password: 433835656
Cancer Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: SSAYECXK4CY6
NA Password: 1125877315
EU Password: 5723910337
Leo Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: HA3SESGAH3W3A
NA Password: 2367933714
EU Password: 275067928
Virgo Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: ECTLMCCW3NMC
NA Password: 93702898
EU Password: 273617924
Libra Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: TGALKCAWTNA
NA Password: 901104871
EU Password: 378921967
Scorpio Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: H336DETYA23X
NA Password: 6535897932
EU Password: 375925725
Sagittarius Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: UC6H3M3778CH3
NA Password: 884911049
EU Password: 916483658
Capricorn Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: UC5H3J46F3MZA
NA Password: 870322642
EU Password: 619927495
Aquarius Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: MZCC3H38ZTUK
NA Password: 3927540667
EU Password: 389427509
Pisces Recipe Looks like some kind of recipe. Better take it to a shop! JP Password: QTAK5UWATGA
NA Password: 531062973
EU Password: 158122748

Player Icon Passwords[]


7TY2AE6KLUL8 - Final Fantasy Agito XIII icon (A)

TCAMABR3ADTQ - Final Fantasy Agito XIII (A)

HEEBANRLTGS -  Final Fantasy Versus XIII (A)

NGAA3NMB3URGR -  Final Fantasy Versus XIII (B)

28C7KMT23M48 -  Final Fantasy XIII (A)

HK4A3ST6HA3S4 -  Final Fantasy XIII (B)

SCHKJKDB3CH6C -  Chocobo (FFV)

HMM48AC4JH3 -  Moogle icon (FFV)

North America[]

3881459361 - FINAL FANTASY Agito XIII (1 of 2)
4460725253 - FINAL FANTASY Agito XIII (2 of 2)
4273120192 - FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII (1 of 2)
361855216 - FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII (2 of 2)
5632121231 - FINAL FANTASY XIII (1 of 2)
589786789 - FINAL FANTASY XIII (2 of 2)
582052436 - Chocobo (FINAL FANTASY V)
134103103 - Moogle (FINAL FANTASY V)

These all appear after icon number 296 in your icon list, in the order listed above


6294236172 - Chocobo (Final Fantasy V)

8462693120 - Moogle (Final Fantasy V)

  410592653 - Final Fantasy XIII (A)

  386177490 - Final Fantasy XIII (B)

  932310371 - Final Fantasy Agito XIII (A)

3141539392 - Final Fantasy Agito XIII (B)

  298185897 - Final Fantasy Versus XIII (A)

  552041696 - Final Fantasy Versus XIII (B)
